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Showing posts from April, 2018


I know, as a teenage girl in 2018, it’s kind of weird how much I like crocheting and knitting. I first learned how to crochet in first grade, and knitting before that. Neither were my main pastime, but I nevertheless accumulated several skeins of yarn, a couple crochet hooks, and knitting and sewing needles. During elementary school, there was a needlework club which I occasionally attended. I didn’t know much besides the basics of knitting, and I knew even less for crocheting, but I was comfortable with what I did know, and that put me ahead most of my classmates skill-wise. There was no needlework club at Franklin Middle School. I didn’t knit or crochet as much. Once in a blue moon, I remembered my yarn basket in the back of my closet. Then I came to Uni. I barely even thought about knitting or crocheting. I rediscovered my abandoned knitting projects only a couple times over those years, adding a couple rows before forgetting them again. This year, Ms. Smyser taught beginner’s c

Finding entertainment while maintaining (the illusion of) productivity

I don’t watch many TV shows. I think the last time I watched something on Netflix was in December, and before that, sometime early fall. It’s not that I don’t like TV. In fact, I have a list of 50+ shows that I mean to watch at a time I nebulously label ‘someday’. But nothing makes me feel the waste of time more acutely than television. I can’t bring myself to turn it on because I’m immediately reminded of all the things I have to do. That Netflix logo makes me feel like the laziest bum in the world. But I still need some sort of entertainment. How else would I procrastinate? I’m more susceptible to YouTube than to Netflix, but it poses the same problem. It’s hard to hit the off-switch. You can just keep watching, and it’s hard to multitask while watching a video, so you end up doing nothing productive. I also enjoy knitting and crocheting, but they are the worst possible forms of entertainment if you’re trying to also do your homework. They occupy your hands, so you can’t do much