I know a lot of people hate - and I mean hate - Lady Brett Ashley. And I can understand why. She seems to have little regard for other people's feelings. She uses Jake for her own personal gain. She's irresponsible and careless. But I think this is a very superficial way to look at her character. Overall, the level of scrutiny leveled at Brett seems unfair to me. Since she is the main female character, she is especially exposed to hard judgement. But this is a book where all of the characters are, in one way or another, terrible people. Jake, Bill, and Mike all display sexist, homophobic, racist, and anti-semitic behavior. (Brett, comparatively, does not.) Cohn's main crime is being tone deaf, but he also displays some nasty sexism throughout the book. But we do not and indeed should not immediately accuse these male characters of being one-dimensional villains. They obviously all have depth. Yet there appears to be a strong sentiment that Brett is nothing more th...
Annette - Nonfiction Writing